Thursday, February 24, 2011

Glioblastoma What Happens

Ted Hughes. The Song against the white owl

White Owl procured a reliable weapon -
wills of their victims.

procured eyes that look beyond the life of the old
phosphorescent cadavers,

pulled off as he could, their bones
from under the scorching blizzard.

Death lent his stomach.
Face it is found in the sea.

weaving strands last breaths,
He tied it all together.

Shadowmoon needle stitched squeak
snowy dress,

from nodular sharp-eyed ice
squeezing blood and fat. About

look Sych look
Through a wall of ice
At mortal field
sobbing snow and birch leaf
Where I eat your soul with a spoon из чаши
И песнь моя воспаряет.

Ted Hughes. Song against the White Owl

The white owl got its proof weapons –
Bequests of its victims.

And it got those eyes that look beyond life
From fluorescence of old corpses,

It snatched its bones as it could
From the burnings of blizzard.

Death loaned it a belly.
It wears a face it found on the sea.

Twisting sinews of last breaths
It bent these oddments together.

With a ghostly needle of screech
It sewed a coat of the snow -

From the knobbed and staring ice
Wringing blood and fat.

O stare Owl stare
Through your glacier wall
At a fatal terrain
Of weeping snow and the leaf of the birch
Where I spoon your soul from a bowl
And my song steams.


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