Sunday, September 5, 2010

Overall Best Digital Portable Tv

nikki [NEWS] Koyama Love + + Nikki NEWSmile

Hi ^ ^. Are you alright? You had a good weekend?
Tonight I'll post the nikki Koyama and that of the NEWSmile Ryo & Massu ^ o ^


Rehearsal Concert るんるん

I woke up in the morning, I wore a jersey
and I left the house ★

First, I memorized the new choreography for the concert 手(パー)

I changed T-shirt that was soaked sweat 手(パー)

In the meantime, I remembered the choreography of songs that we had already made long ago 手(パー)

Everyone ... Remember all the choreography ; spellings, ok! わーい(嬉しい顔)

At this point, I
Masuda-san informed of the choreography on the hard drive NEWS わーい(嬉しい顔) るんるん

Can I still remembered the new choreography 手(パー)

Halfway, Tego-chan and I called the canteen and ate わーい(嬉しい顔)

Tego-chan and I always become hungry at the same time! わーい(嬉しい顔)

In the end, I saw the rehearsal today and I finished.

I changed my T-shirt,
and I returned to home jersey with わーい(嬉しい顔) るんるん

Concerts are close! グッド(上向き矢印) グッド(上向き矢印) グッド(上向き矢印)

I look forward ハート

Aaah it's cool to know what is happening in their snooze 'x). The phrase "Tego-chan and I always become hungry at the same time" makes me laugh because it seems like a gimmick MDRR sick, he is so cute ♥

This Once the theme is "Coming Soon! LIVE NEWS "Masuda Takahisa

Konbanma ブタ ハート

It will soon be the season of samna! ブタ 手(パー) 魚 [T / N: Sanma (Pacific saury) is a seasonal fish that represents the fall in Japanese cuisine]

Hello, I'm Masuda ブタ

We have repeated ; bution! ブタ ハート

We have created a dance choreography with intense! ブタ 手(チョキ)

It's really fun because it's been since we danced together with all our strength! ブタ ハート

Again ... るんるん few days ... るんるん to domir ... るんるん and there will be ... ブタ るんるん concerts!! るんるん

I look forward to seeing you at the Dome ブタ ハート

I love you all ハート

We are also t'aaaaaaaaaaaaime Massuuuuuuuu: D ♥ . It is true that the concerts soon: D and 10 days out ♥ LIVE, I can not wait to receive it!

Nishikido Ryo J-web
02/09/2010 2:25 p.m.

Good day.

I now reporting.

What you people do?

He continues to be hot, but I do my best.

The end. Nishikido Ryo was


As always thank you for this Ryo (small) nikki is always a pleasure to bring you ♥. When he speaks of the story is still on DVD NEWS or another trick?


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