In accordance with the church's thinking nature is true existence, and according to Aristotle and pro- denote the Hellenes, it is determined manifold way, and in these [many] definitions lost severiane. According to the Apostle, nature is all that, that there the true way, and not something that proclaims as figment of the imagination, - this we will say more later length. Church calls of nature the true reality of existing things, or voosuschestvlennost them. It's called nature, because there was and is, just as the essence [is called entity] as sheer and learn in real life. According to the CER-Kovno doctrine, the essence, genus and species are the same, as same "Artos" "Psomion" and "vukin. Therefore, the same is voosuschestvlennoe and natural. As has been said to indicate the nature are used four concepts: "the essence", "nature", "race" and "kind."
scholium. With regard to [the expression] "by nature" is based on the Old and New Testaments, we can say that [the words] "Christ on the nature of God and the nature of the four-lovek" mean the same thing, and [word] "Who, being true God, it is indisputably true human-century. " And wise Solomon says nechistivyh luminescence dyah: "bustle UBO TNI chelovetsy naturally, is acquired nihzhe ignorance of the Bose (Prem. 13, 1). A divine LIMITED Apostle says about us [last] unto the Gentiles: "And once we were by nature children of wrath" (Ephesians 2, 3) If people wicked were by nature and naturally vain, they would have been, and bezuko-riznennymi. For those [traits] that are inherent in us by nature and natural way, are perfect and flawless as they are created in us a natural way of God, such as the ability to hole shat, eat and sleep. Then you find that God is in a natural way humans created in futility. Consequently, if we were by nature children of wrath, the reason for this be traced back to the God who created us as such. After all "by nature" means that there are so noun-surface way, such as a nature of light by nature de inherent shine light on the nature created by [way-nym] burn, and the earth was created [by nature capable of] proizrozhdat [fruit]. And heretics are invited say one of two things: either that the nature of vanity and anger created by God, or that [expression] "by nature" refers only to the Su-schee in reality. Therefore, and it is difficult to give up ka-Coy or rebuke us, to say: "Christ is in Rodeo with God and the nature of man, that is, [saying, schim] that he is" truly God and truly man. " Such is the tradition and definition, which we found from the conclusions of the Old and New Testaments. And no teacher, and even no angel from heaven can neither enter novshe-proof in this tradition, or destroy it forever.Sv.Anastasy Sinai.
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