Thursday, February 17, 2011

Christian Congratulations Message On A New Baby

world - is not eternal.

The fact that the world had a beginning, and nature teaches, and history attests; it as clearly confirmed by the invention of crafts, laws and institutions, and utility of the dispensation. For we know the inventors of almost all trades, legislators and the founders of the government. In addition, we also know writers who [in his writings] one way or another concerning the opening of [all], but of them we do not see anybody who has surpassed Moses in his narrative of the origin of the universe and time. He, who described the beginning of the origin of the world, presented as indisputable evidence of the truth written by him through the unusual words and deeds of his that has convinced almost the entire human race, prompting [mankind] to drive and subjected to ridicule the Sophists, who claim the opposite. Since the nature of this world is such that it is in each individual case needs a new beginning and without him can not exist, then it can be proved [being] the first beginning of this nature - that principle which is not made from the other.

And that world has not only had a beginning, but will have an end, and indicates the nature of who were in this world of things as she always dies in a separate своих частях. Твердым и неоспоримым доказательством [гибели мира] является пророчество Христа, Бога всяческих, и других богодухновенных [мужей] - и не только pious people, but even the wicked need to trust them, as [that speak infallible] the truth, it is obvious that everything else, foretold them, untrue. From them we learn that this world will not depart into oblivion in their full collection, but, like our bodies, rastorgnuvshis and change, be transformed by force of God's Spirit in the world more divine.

Sv.Grigory Palama.


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