Since You, my children, I am very kind and have become the sons of the kingdom of heaven, I will continually pray to God about you, that He gave you the grace to be a shrewd, flinty-eyed and distinguish dobró from evil.
And this grace, in the words of the Apostle Paul, there is solid food perfect. Committed are those who have trained sensitivity duty of scientists to the same argument of good and evil (Heb. 5, 14) and which therefore become the sons of the kingdom, and received divine adoption. They have the wisdom and návyk distinguish between good and evil in all his ways, so that they can not deceive no man or devil.
devil often offers the evil under the guise of good - and many tricks, because they do not have the wisdom and skill to open a fraud.
Blessed Paul, knowing that this návyk and wisdom belong to those infinite riches which God intends to give truly believed in him, for his extraordinary love to the Ephesians, so wrote to them about this, when they became uzhé spiritually free and children of the kingdom of heaven: saints, those in Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus. Az heard your faith in Christ Jesus and love, which is shed for all the saints, ceases not because of you, the remembrance of you doing in my prayers, but God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge Him, enlightened tow your sérdtsa, for they would lead you hope to have some rank him, and something rich heritage of His glory among the saints (Ephesians 1, 1, 15-18).
Also: I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the more useless the whole family in heaven and on zemlú name, it will give you the richness of the glory of His strengthen your faith, exacerbated by his Spirit in you, vselitisya Christ by faith domestic chelovetse your and in your hearts: love vkoreneni and grounds able to finish so understand with all saints chtó latitude and longitude and height (Eph 3, 14-18).
My children! Notice of this great apostle. He knew how great is the spiritual riches, which did not and the concept of the Ephesians, who became his sons through faith, prayed for them to God that He told them the same amount of this wealth, which he had, that is, to give them spiritual wisdom and the ability to distinguish dobró from evil chtó in faith is very important. He prayed about this God because of the great love of his to the Ephesians. He knew that if they receive this gift from God, they will not feel any difficulty in their deeds, will not have no fear, will be day and night to enjoy the joy of the LORD: and the execution of their works for them would be very nice, God will reveal to them the great mysteries of the future véka who can not carnal language shall declare.
St. Anthony the Great(Letter 11)
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