Good saw the title you may ask questions (or not following those who know xD) Well
the Kis-My-FT2 Staff finally begins!
And he pulled out a CD soon, by cons is unclear whether this is a single or an album
M'enfin its not prevent me from buying it * o * So when I
have read this news you can imagine I jump for joy
But I also weep for joy xD
I'm really happy for them, he really deserved it ♥
So the translation of what is said = D
Kis-My-FT2 release her first CD in May, it was revealed during their concert in Tokyo on February 12, Oricon announced.
The group that signed with the record label Avex, will begin a national concert tour this summer which will also include performance of their upcoming debut CD.
It was announced that their debut has been kept secret even from the members themselves before receiving a letter at the concert today. (12 February) As the group talked to the fans for their upcoming tour this summer, a member of Johnny's Jr. gave them an envelope. In reading, the group found for the first time about their official debut and was so surprised they broke into tears.
Kis-My-Ft2 comprises Kitayama Hiromitsu ( KI), Senga Kento (S ) Miyata Toshiya (M ) Yokoo Wataru ( Y ) Taisuke Fujigaya ( F), Yuta Tamamori ( T) and Takashi Nikaido (NI = 2). Although not released singles, the group has many fans, and attracted nearly 140,000 fans during their tour Spring Concert 2010.
Since December 28, 2010 to today the group was on tour. Group members and Fujigaya Kitayama currently hold a leading role in the drama " 美咲 ナンバーワン! (Misaki Number One!) "and they also participate in the International Music Festival in Pattaya Thailand March 18, while the other five members will be featured at the next show Hideaki Takizawa " 滝 沢 伎 歌舞 (Takizawa Kabuki) .
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