Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Often Can I Masterbait

[Traduction] Manual KAT-TUN

Sorry for the lack of new ^ ^ But I will prepare a gift for ...
not know when I xD I'll try for tonight, just have my software working properly: D Good for wonder what I'll say it anyway surprise (it will not plus but it does not matter xD) So in "collaboration" with my dear friend and my Panda-chan Juma I translated part of the Junior Colloseum Shounen Club last year after
; s many galleys I still have to make my subtitles then integrate my video And finally to upload it and you put it here = D Otherwise to return to main topic, here is the latest manual for Ueda
it to this year's running out of time because this manual is very short M'enfin 'I'll say a little good for her to allow me to get back quickly on the video xD On this nice little reading and then follow the video xP + another gift
And this I tell you what it is xD
Sorry I'm late. I wanted to discuss next year.
Next year is going in the direction of consciousness and group activities.
This year also thank you very much for everything you did.

not forget the feeling of gratitude, The cherishing
To be able to grow a little
For next year we all KAT-TUN will do our best,
Support us if you please.

Well then,
Happy New Year / Happy New Year

Credit English:


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Toddler Twisted Bowel

[Traduction] Manual KAT-TUN

I know I did not post for a while
xD But I was just lazy and I also wanted to try to advance my fics (that in good voice! = D)
M'enfin the key is there a translation for the sake of some xP
Not my look is not going to Rumi-chou xD
While saying? Junno surprises me again xD Decidedly I am beginning to appreciate more than before
But worry is my favorite xD Ueda
So in this manual is about the cold and rain xD But as a quick "debriefing" of the year
With particular tour, the Japanese public supports and abroad. He speaks so quickly next year, the anniversary of the beginning of KAT-TUN
Year will be the 5th when they finally pass
Major ^ ^ I will not tell you everything he says, but for once Is it being done rather
xD Ah if there are spelling mistakes please let me know = D
And finally I am addicted to his solo "GIRLS," leading to but very well
Yes I am myself surprised to like, but perhaps also the fact that there is Koki and Nakamaru there are
M'enfin love! xD (to marked with a red cross on the calendar * lot *)
my town Today is very rainy Tokyo
When it rains I do not want run

It's cold

The summer was hot, so the winter of this year will probably be particularly cold

Well, tomorrow is a music / musical show that will make the winter warm ~

Best Artist 2010
Each year we are appearing, so when we are appearing at this show / show
we feel "This is already the end of the year ~

is also my last entry this manual in 2010, looking back on this year ... was really a year of gratitude to all the fans m (_ _) m
2010 proved to be a good year, a tower where you have supported, which took a fresh start and where we could all do something enjoyable

At our first time abroad you have also supported
because I think that next year is the 5th ; anniversary of the beginning as KAT-TUN, this year we could do a good approach that led to

I think next year when I can do more activities as a group and as Taguchi Junnosuke'm super
Please support us / me o (^ ▽ ^ o) (o ^ ▽ ^) o
is a little early, but
Merry Christmas / Merry Christmas

Lend happily / being happy
PS: Remember to watch the Music Station SP

Credit English:
