Monday, September 27, 2010
Watch Online Jazeera Sport 2
Here is a small entrance with some translations made by Mayu (Mayu thank you).
We begin with the MC's concert at Kyocera Dome NEWS September 19.
Then the volume 66 of Seventeen magazine publishes an article or Yamapi every month.
With that, sorry, I have plenty to share with you but I have not had time to upload: S
Good day!
Mini ™ with Yamapi, Ryo, Koyama, Shige
K: Do you have fun?!
Fans: Yeah!
K: Do you sweat?!
Fans: Yeah!
K: The new album is released September 15, do you listen?
Fans: Yes, we did it! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
K: But it was hard for people who came to the concert in Osaka to listen our album! There was not enough time since it was released 3 days before!
A: Is there any people here who have listened to at least 10 times?
Fans: Ouiiiii \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
A: How does the album!?
S: It does than about 60 minutes ...??
A: So ... you've listened for six hours? ... Eh? Not ... For 10 hours? (Laughs)
S: Yes, about that time.
Fans: (laughs)
(Then they talked about when he had to use the flashing light pens as they did on September 18 ...)
S: When is it we use the bright lights of pens?
K: Well, Yamashita-san is allowed to decide again? When do we use lights ?
A: This is not the "lights"! This is the "flashing"!
P: I decided! Yesterday we did for Cherish. Today ... Today we did during Cherish \u0026lt;3
Fans: (laughs)
K: Now is the turn of the 2 that are not there! Tegomasu!
(Tegomasu appeared \u0026lt;3)
T: We Tegomasu! \u0026lt;3 Everybody, you know Tegomasu?
Fans: Yeah!
T: Do you Chuki (CHUK = love) Tegomasu \u0026lt;3?
Fans: Chuki! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
T: Well, say "Daichuki! (I love you) \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 Seeno (prêts. ..)... !
Fans: Daichuki! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
T: Me too \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
Fans: Kyaaaa \u0026lt;3
T: Masuda-san, do or say something please \u0026lt; , 3
M: ...... Ok! \u0026lt;3 Rinrinrin, rinrinrinrin, rinrinrinrin, inrinofjoi (during which he put aside his legs wide open with knees bent, making the shape of the set "M") (laughs)
Fans: & T: ........
T: Ok ..! It was Tegomasu! \u0026lt;3
M: With such sentiments, I'll sing the next song! \u0026lt;3
Iitai dake corner (Questions of staff for KoyaShige)
- What would you say if your girlfriend had to go dressed as Hello Kitty? (Between them)
K: ... Do I see what I see? Eh?
S: Well then, I'm Danie [the boyfriend of Hello Kitty]! ;)
- What you would say if your girlfriend had to go dressed as [Commodore Matthew C.] Perry? (To Koyama)
K: How do you came today ?.... Ah, black boat? !
- What would you say if Perry enters the bathroom that you hold? (With Shige)
S: Ah, Perry-san, I'm still here ... Now I am fully open to my territory, my black ship ...
(Koyama stops in the middle of his reply)
K: OK! You! Stop it! What's this!? My black ship ... ! (Laughs)
K: And if we tried to go backstage!? ^ O ^! Camera-san! " You can, please?
(The camera showed the scenes ... and there was Massu \u0026lt;3 He was doing pumps ^ - ^ Massu noticed the camera and looked e \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3)
K: Masuda-san! Is it going !?!?!? Tell us what you just want to say now please!
M: (Massu looked the camera with a smile) Fufufufufufufu (laughs) Audience and
KoyaShige: (laughs) \u0026lt;3
K: The next question is the last!
- What would you say to Osaka? (Between them)
K: Seeno (prêts. ..)!
(They answer the question at the same time)
K: Governor
Hashimoto S: Takajin [singer Osaka]
K: Ah ... ah ...
main MC:
K: Do you listen to it!?
Fans: Yes, we did it \u0026lt;3!!
S: It includes a bonus DVD! When I looked, I thought we were all very good at singing!
K: Yes! Shige was very good! Not true, Tegoshi-san?!
T: ...... Eh? What !?!?!? (He was not listening)
K: I said that Shige was good at singing! What do you think?
T: Shige ... Yes it was! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
A: You're rude! "
S: Lately, it's rude!
P: It also includes the making. Because the camera has saved us when we do not realize, there are scenes of us naturally! ^ O ^
K: Yes, yes! It's pretty scary! When I looked, I thought "They even filmed it!?"! And now that you say ... clothing and Yamapi Ryochan were like! (Laughs)
P: Yeah! (Laughs) But it was completely accidental! It happened from time to time!
K: But Massu realized he was being filmed by the camera for the making immediately!
S: Yes, yes!
M: I'm terrible for Makings ... I feel embarrassed!
T: Recently, when Massu fails telling a joke, it catches up with a smile!
M: I transform the atmosphere into a deep silence at the Tokyo Dome and Kyocera (he seemed proud of it)
S: Do you understand? You fail.
M: Yes! I understand!
S: Even a few minutes earlier, you did Iitai dake in the corner.
M: But ... To Shige's easier because you have received a question! On the contrary, for me, why is it that it was "a stroke, say something that you just want to say "...?
S: Well then, next time we will give you a subject?
K: That's pretty scary! Really ...
M: Well ....... (With a small voice) Tell me about beforehand, ok?
K: Speaking of making, Tegoshi-san is the first that needed to be censored, right?
T: Eh?!? Me? Why?! I never changed my clothes completely before the camera!
K: Tegoshi wearing a bathrobe often!
S: Peron? (He refers to the bottom of Tegoshi xD)
K: Hey, hey! Kato-san! (Koyama began to get nervous)
T: Eh? Really!?!?
A: Tegoshi of Tegoshi?
K: Hey! Hey! Hey!
S: Tegoshi Junior!
K: Do not say that making look like Johnny's Junior! Hey! Stop it! I can not imagine how the discussion will spread! (He was rather nervous)
P: Pokémon Tegoshi, eh?
K: Even if it joins Yamapi! There is no chance that this (discussion) end!
K: In short, the robe is super Tegoshi!? ....... Eh? It is common now?
S: No! There is no leopard print!?
Fans: Kyaaaa \u0026lt;3
T: Yes! I love the leopard print design \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
S: His headphones (earphones) is leopard print too!
S: What is it that of Koyama?
K: I've marked my initials! KK, look!
T: That's true ...... Kamenashi Kazuya! \u0026lt;3
fans and members: (laughs)
K: Why?! I'm not a fan ...... and Ryochan?
A: Mine is ordinary! But it is yellow! You can see it? He has no special meaning, it broadcasts only music .... (Laughs)
K: Shige!?!?
S: Mine is simple! In fact, I wanted to write "Watch your back!" But I gave up because it looked like something from the 20th century! (Laughs)
K: Massu!?!?
M: Mine is also normal \u0026lt;3
S: Eh? Is that you had attached something before?
M: It was yellow before \u0026lt;3 But I had a different feeling when I received when I left \u0026lt;3
S: That of Nishikido-kun is yellow. What of that?
M: ...... That of Nishikido-kun is right. It has a mustard color \u0026lt;3 Mine is a fluorescent yellow.
K: And Yamapi!?!?
P: Mine is simple and common as ^ o ^...... Now that I think Yassane (Yasuda and K8) uses this type of headset (earphones) in his private time too.
A: If I'm not mistaken, that Yasu is leopard print too!
P: Yeah! Yes.
P: The conversations are interesting Shige and Massu! ^ O ^ Even yesterday in the elevator.
S: We were talking about the bathroom!
M: Yamashita-kun likes to bathe in the shower from the start!
S: It was not the image of someone who is steeped in hot water!
M: Koyama, who was listening to the conversation at hand us, whispered "...... It was not the image of someone taking a shower ... or someone who is steeped in hot water ...."!
P: ........ So I look like someone who does not bathe xO! (Laughs)
K: Massu, do you want to say?
M: It was decided that I will appear as a guest in the second episode of the drama "Juui Dolittle! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 Do you know?!!?
Fans: We did not know!
M: Do not forget to watch it, please \u0026lt;3
Seventeen [Vol.66]
Passion Behind the cool attitude Yamapi passion lies . Yamapi told us anecdotes about the scenes of the film that stirred his body and his heart about the passion in general, about the periods of his childhood when he been weakened by a high fever, and other burning thoughts.
During the warm nights, I put my air way I rule for a period of about an hour and I'm going to sleep. There are times when I wake up because it's too hot, but if I get up I do not want anything to do, so I try to withstand the heat and returns to sleep. This can be difficult to sleep in the summer, but I still love her much more than the winter! The hot sun and sea are the best things! It's nice to just watch and swim is fun too. I feel that if you go to the sea, it has all the fun you need. Recently, I went to Guam with my family. My grandfather and my grandmother followed us too, so we chose to go to Guam because it was close. I went out cycling again, but I have not done much. I guess I really do not let me go unless my friends are with me.
When I was a child and a fever weakened me, I liked ê ; be at home, stay in my futon and watch TV. It was a little joy to watch educational programs of NHK that I could not normally see. The standard food when it was cold in the house Yamashita udon with eggs. Sometimes, my mom made it for me and sometimes we stopped at the store udon outside the hospital and ate there before going home.
While I was shooting the film "Ashita no Joe", there was a time when a fever of 39.6 ° C I weakened. I went to the hospital immediately. But I told myself: "I have to!" And I recovered in a day. I was really freaked out! I feel like I put everything I had into filming "Joe". The scenes of boxing and fighting were extremely harsh. I felt the blood in my head and my body was boiling. At first I was afraid to hit or be hit by my opponent. The director told me: "Hit harder!" But I hit slightly to the point where I could feel like hitting my opponent. In the scenes of combat, they hit me hard in order to make me lose my cool. In those days, I was not playing, I was seriously annoyed. When I behaved this way, the next time my opponent has hit a home in which I felt no pain. I was in this state mind during the shoot, and when filming ended for the day, all the energy output is at full speed of my body. I am not so angry in my normal life. I did not complain on the board, but maybe I'll say it in Seventeen: just between us, it was really violent! I lost five kilograms. I did the diet and I could not eat, so it was hard to keep my energy at the top. The main food of my diet were vegetables, chicken breasts, egg whites and hard drinks protein. I drank about five protein shakes a day to appease my hunger and keep my muscles. I think that keeping the scheme gave me hunger, gave me a fighting spirit. But ultimately, humans must eat. The first thing I ate after my plan be completed was the yakiniku! Over the past two weeks we have made the fight scenes, I did not eat fatty foods or white rice. The moment where I tasted the yakiniku for the first time after two weeks, it tasted so fatty, and I thought: "Is it still CAA been like that? "It was as if I were to eat for the first time. After filming was completed, I guess that all my deductions had been kicked, and I ended up eating two to five times more than I usually eat. I usually do not eat sweet food, but I had intense cravings for them. My co-star Iseya (Yusuke) was also a diet and has stopped rotating before me, and he told me to be careful because your appetite is beyond your control after ; soon as you stop dieting. As he said, I really could not stop. Even when I was sated, the impulse that drove me to eat was always there. The other day I also went to the store of curry and I commissioned a large omelette with curry. I thought that my stomach does not digest it probably easily, so I took medicine against stomach pains and went to sleep. I think readers of Seventeen is the age when we start worrying about diets, but I just want you to hear me speak on this subject. Schemes monsters are really dangerous, then you should not try them!
The word "passion" makes me think of two guys. One is Kamenashi Kazuya. We did not really seen them lately, but it is really intense and I think he works hard. The other guy is Ikuta Toma. As an actor, Toma is very consistent in the sense that it can stay fixed on one thing. She is very conscientious. I know him since we were children, but to talk with condescence, I would say it has grown pretty well (laughs). He has innovated and there are many things about him that are sources of inspiration. I really respect. I said in front of Toma: "You are truly amazing" and he laughed. If this was the old days, these are words that I would never be able to say, but I think I've become more open recently.
The "passion" is a positive energy. I think that feeling of passion is better that being jaded. I want to be passionate and engage in various challenges.
Friday, September 17, 2010
How To Get A Kates Playground Membership For Free
Always me:)
you alright?
So as you know the new album is out of the NEWS, you will find the link for the album after that and the DVD that goes with it.
I put you as the MC of the album version and a full Shounen Club where Koyama and Nakamaru singing a few songs from NEWS and KAT-TUN.
I add also a program where Shige was found last Tuesday.
[DVD] NEWS - LIVE Unplugged - DDL
What they are beautiful, yet that I am not a fan of NEWS Oo
[CM] NEWS - LIVE - Part 1 DDL - DDL
Part 2 [Waratte iitomo] Passage de Shige - DDL
Shounen Club.ts - DDL
no Koi Sakura Girl ABO et par Koyama et
Love Rescue ~ par
yourself Nakamaru et Weeeek Going Koyama et par Nakamaru
Kyuu Jou ☆ ☆ SHOW! by Koyama, Nakamaru an Yokoyama
Sakuraishobaby Please credit if you repost.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Milena Velba Bikes And Bra
Hey! Always
me is that there has been new these days xD
So now the news KAT-TUN with two radio KAT-TUN: R-One KAT-TUN STYLE. And finally the
Going! Sports News Kamenashi.
We note also that Yuichi Nakamaru appeared as a guest in Episode 10 of Season 3 Hancho.
[2010.09.17] Kamenashi Kazuya - Kasu Kasu by: Miroriii
[2010.09.14] KAT-TUN - R-One: Miroriii
[2010.09.15] KAT-TUN STYLE: Miroriii
[2010.09.14] KAT-TUN STYLE: Miroriii
[2010.09.13] KAT-TUN STYLE: Miroriii
[2010.09.11] Going! Sports News: MU
That's all for KAT-TUN. Otherwise pictures unofficial concerts KAT-TUN are available on jk-no-koi . These are mainly photos of Kamenashi. I do not post for lack of time with all the news that I should add;)
edit: Addition of Kasu Kasu by September 17;)
Level Of Protection Gloves For Mice
I hope everyone who followed this LJ are not parties. As stated previously Yoko Nishi and Hoshi, they are overbookées by their new school year and will instead focus on their studies. But I'm back after two months spent in Japan and for my part, I have a lot of free time yet. So I'll continue to update this LJ for a while. But as I am alone (or almost Mayu will always be some translations), it is possible that I may not always post all but I'll try to do the maximum and the girls spend maybe 2-3 sometimes post stuff if they have time.
Here, all that to say that the hiatus is postponed, the time I have free time.
We begin today with news about Akanishi Jin. The dates of his new tour called "Yellow Gold Tour 3010" were announced on the official website of Jin: A news
has also been mailed on September 15. All translations after the original versions and messages, visit the site.
Sunday, November 7: Chicago, IL @ Rosemont Theatre
Wednesday, November 10: San Francisco, CA @ Warfield
Saturday, November 13: Houston, TX @ House of Blues
Tuesday, November 16: Los Angeles, CA @ Club Nokia LA Live
Sunday, November 21: New York, NY @ Best Buy Theater
And the announcement posted in the news Sept. 15:
"The Pop superstar Japan, Akanishi Jin sets out on a U.S. tour.
Akanishi will happen in 5 U.S. cities in November.
Los Angeles, CA - United Television Broadcasting (UTB) today announced the U.S. tour of the Japanese superstar Akanishi Jin, who had gathered more than 6,000 fans in his debut in Los Angeles last June. When "Yellow Gold Tour 3010", Akanishi interpret several songs in English with a backdrop of a futuristic setting dancers.
Akanishi who was a leader of the group vocals of renowned Japanese pop KAT-TUN, left the group this summer and is now preparing for a U.S. tour by working with new material riel. "I am delighted to be on stage again in America, the final scene of artists worldwide. With new, original material, I am ready to present to my fans the new world of Jin Akanishi. We work hard to produce a great show for the spectators enjoy themselves, including those who came to my last show in Los Angeles. I try to see my American fans and attract more rapidly "Akanishi said.
Tickets go on sale from October 8 to and "That this
, concerts ahead so very interesting. I hope Jin will make a full house and we have the right to a DVD release of this concert which is considered by what is said by the website as "The first real concert Jin in America."
pornvilai @ LJ
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Make Homemade Wind Tunnel
Good evening or good morning to all (yes I guess little boys come on LJ) I'm not going to make or hold a big blah, as you can see from the title, Kyhen takes a break. Indeed, courts have begun, we are all more or less of high school and was therefore much less time to care for the LJ I think you understand we prefer to have a good education rather than deal with it. Know that it does us no pleasure to stop, but we think it best. Personally (Yoko) I think continue to translate Nikki on my LJ (which I created there's no time), so if you want to ask me ^ ^ '. Know that this is not the end but just a break! Well maybe it will last long ... And we'll see. That's after I do not know quite what to add, Hoshi will leave a message later ^ ^
Thank you for your understanding!
Ps: I put the link in my LJ: Luu_cile (Well aware that it was a start to write without LJ anyone knowing so if you look at my other items, I tell anyone nawak ^ ^ ')
Yooo ~ I will not repeat what Yoko said, it will not do anything. I just wanted to say that for my part, I stop at the LJ cons heart. I must make myself clearly, I am in final and I do not have enough time to take care of Kyhen. Anyway, I really enjoyed doing what I did. I told you
pe soon.
Thank you followed ♥
Nini desu ~ I hope you're well. (How are you, I come three years after everyone else?) Quit joking, the subject is not very funny. TT Well, I really wanted to put a word of thanks, so I'm starting. Thank you. Thank you to all the girls (and maybe boys, you never know) that we have followed so far. I must confess that I Kyhen really cares, even if I m 'occupied by more, but you really have the time. I live super far from my school, what makes me go back to the 20h & evening with homework and everything, I can not. ; sorry, too. Because I would have liked to do more things for this Livejournal. But it's not goodbye. I'll be back (for my part, but I think it also applies to daughters) when a little free time necessary to me. Have a nice evening, week, and everything else until it gives you new huhu. Wait for us eh ~! (There must shout "Yeah" as if you were at a concert NEWS / KAT-TUN, you see? I leave.)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
What Does Sweet N' Low Do To Your Body?
Bonsoiiir ^ ^. It's still me 8D (you have not tired of seeing all my time icon? Mouahaha (6))
short, I'll post the Master Hits yesterday ^ ^
Then Naiyou No Nai Tegami in full (I think): here
As gifs and pictures preview Live Unplugged: MF
Fouaaah it gives too seriously want to see him! Then the gifs are just Pi * __ *
And finally nikki Koyama & Ryo's message
Aujourd ' Today there are also rehearsals!
I also started my new job gradually
I'll tell you about when I could do it!
e go a little bit to the gym before rehearsal
A new job? I wonder what it is ...
along new awaited album "LIVE" by NEWS
For the new album "LIVE", we were notified of NEWS!
We will at any time so the wait impatiently!
Endless summer
"Endless Summer" is a song divided into several parts. Members one by one and sing we all sing together at the last hook.
I love it also! It is in a rhythmic black (no really understand his sentence dsl: s)
Personally, I think the second verse is particularly cool!
I would like everyone to listen quickly!
Nishikido Ryo
Friday, September 10, 2010
Westly Pipes Filmolgy
already here several scans
TV Pia: MF
The Television: MF
TV Guide: MF
Saita: MF
Then two CM, one where Tegoshi is promoting the new Pokéma white and black (I can not wait to see when is it coming out in France that the .. .) Koyama and version for LIVE
Tegoshi, Koyama
Then Shige's message to LIVE and nikki Ryo, Koyama & P ^ ^
The long awaited new album "LIVE" by NEWS
For the new album "LIVE", we were notified of NEWS!
We will at any time so the wait impatiently!
is the theme song for the drama "Troubleman" so I have special feelings it!
Because she was even listening to the scene of the shooting, I think it was the most listened to by members as well (laughs) I was told
" 'Tis a good song that can be put as a place for shooting! ". Also, many fans would have wanted it in the CD, so I'm glad she's going to this opportunity!
is a piece (of music) with strong feelings and I like it.
Shigeaki Kato
Nishikido Ryo J-web
08/09/2010 3:25 p.m.
I have a rehearsal now.
dances are crazy.
is terrible.
but I will do my best.
have a good weekend, folks.
09/09/2010 8:17 p.m.
Today I called
a high school friend.
We are not met for a while, what do you do?
The friend replied.
Now I take the ferry to Saseko Ishikawa.
You are a man of history (laughs)
Today I stayed home to watch the DVD of rehearsals.
Yesterday I went to
Kushiro in Hokkaido because of a shooting
Hokkaido is a bit colder than Tokyo
but still, it was hot.
So, to avoid heat stroke, I drank lots of water.
and during the break I bought and ate kakigoori (shaved ice with flavored syrup
For this reason I needed to go to the toilet and after I am ... relieved
something happened
closure zip the pants ...
had broken
closure flash does not close
Although I do my best it does not close
While hiding with the shirt I consulted the staff
" ; Err ... well ... I went the toilet ... and the zipper broke ... I do not have a spare pair of trousers so I thought about sewing ... but I did not wire and needle and you? "
As for sewing,
I can do since I'm an apron in home economics class when I was a stu
ve primer.
"I do not "
Oh my God
"Ah, well, maybe the store sells. Can we go? "
We went
There was no way that I go buy them with the zipper completely open, so
the staff is went
"They do not sell
Oh my God
However, a miracle appeared
There were e ; crit Repair of clothing " on the next store
He came
"Koyama-san, can you
remove your pants for a moment? "
Well ... course
I stayed in the car with a shirt, underwear and socks
for 15 minutes.
It gave me the pants in perfect condition
filming for "news every" finished safely.
Ahh ... I was really nervous
There's really it's that it happens this stuff MDRR
Cre said:
A-chan @ FB