Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trailer Light Regulations Ontario

[NEWS] Kazuyoshi Saito Ryo & talk ItteQ PCS + CM + CM + Live + Guests Seventeen of the theater

Bonsoiiir ^ o ^. Tonight I'm posting the talk & Ryo Saito Kazuyoshi the SCP
I have not watched yet so i can say nothing but I'm sure Ryo is very nice x)

Then a CM ItteQ where Tegoshi is in Switzerland, everything I can say is that Tegoshi is really too gun ♥ ♥ _

I'll post as a wonder of the CM version of Live (the Pi ^ ^) MF

As Seventeen of September with Pi & Ryo and that is just *___*

And finally Guests of Room 0 has been adapted into a theater Koyama and thus play its role, it will appear at the Tokyo Globe Theatre from November 13 to December 5.
Oh that's so cool for him, it's been that he had not made a play n_n


Monday, August 30, 2010

Grecian Formula For Pubic

Room 0 [NEWS] Birthday message preview new song + + LIVE CM

Bonsoiiiir:). Are you alright? ^ O ^. It'll calm me even though I stress a little for the start ^ ^. Short end are not talking about negative things x).
Tonight I'm posting videos of NEWS Happy Birthday wish. It's so stupid but we love it xD Yamapi
; Koyama, Shige ; Tegomasu (there's no Ryo sorry: S) Do not
reupload on streaming sites!
I think my favorite is that of Tegomasu, they are too cute ♥

Koyama then released a preview of the song "No Nai Tegami Naiyou", listen here ; here

And finally, another CM Live, this time is that of Pi
I ♥. Ryo always makes me laugh XD.

Oral-b Sonic Toothbrush

[Akanishi Jin] UTB interview 28.08.2010

~ Are you alright?
This morning, I'll post the interview UTB Jin, 28 August. This time he talks about LoveJuice and in some way, Jin is a little embarrassed, how cute! xD

UTB Interview 08/28/2010:


Credits: Thanks to


Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Do You Take Jump Shots With A Camera?

[NEWS] Yamapi No. nikki

Hello people!
It's been a while ne?
A month and a half to be exact that I did not post.
No I've not forgotten, but as some know I went to Japan for two months and then until September 8.
But today I make an exception and I post.
I wanted to translate a nikki Pi;)

PM: 8:09

The summer is about to end. Yesterday and today it was
24 TV.
I remember last summer (^ ^)
(^ 0 ^)
I have not written very often recently, sorry.
I was at home to compose music.

just that, but it is a pleasure to hear from him
~ Pi, do your best and made us beautiful music!

A-chan on facebook


Kates Playgroundfinger

[NEWS] 24 TV + LIVE MC + Koyama Love

Bonjouuur n___n. Foua I can not stop listening Utauta no Ballad sung by Ryo Saito & Kazuyoshi, it is really great song! ♥. Short x), now I'll still post a small message for 24hTV was yesterday I think not? Or today ... I know could end in short I think Tegoshi talks about football but I'm not sure x). In any case, they are super cute ♥

Then here is one of the CM for the album LIVE: D It seems there would have 6, one for each member:). Today's is that of Massu's kakkoi mignoooooon too! They are all laughing except that Ryo has nothing to fuck MDRR
Streaming (SQ sorry: S) And finally

Koyama nikki:)


Yesterday in "news every", in
segment "Kininaru"

reporting I do on the task force to rescue the Japan Coast Guard was broadcast 手(パー)

In the task force rescue of 200
Guard divers Japan Coast,
only 36 people are chosen to be part of the Elite Forces.

I attended a team training special rescue exclamation exclamation

Did you looked in the "passing on the rope"?

At first I was terrified but

group members told me

"Before going further, think there is someone waiting for you to come save please do exclamation exclamation "

and so I could start with a fighting spirit パンチ

The world jobs that save the lives of people does not to spoil (himself) even a little 手(パー)

For training,
course you must train your physical strength, but you also need a strong heart and think "Rescue for Life" and "Never give up" パンチ

So this time it was a valuable experience.

For all members of the group,
thank you for spending time (for me) even if you were busy with the training exclamation exclamation

I do my best to convey to many people that I got from this experience わーい(嬉しい顔) 手(パー)

I would love to see this segment, see Koyama pass on a string that must ê be MDRR too funny.

Sir Alistair Rai Toronto

KAT-TUN's Scan & Gekkan Koyamaru

~ I'm back and when I am 'm just really happy to be home.
short, this morning I post scans of Popolo October KAT-TUN and Gekkan Koyamaru of August 13!
Enjoy it!

Popolo 10.2010:


Gekkan Koyamaru 08/13/2010:


Credits: Thanks to


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sample New Baby Email

[NEWS] Osama no Brunch + PCS Ryo & Saito Kazuyoshi + Master Hits + Ryo no nikki

Bonjouuur n__n. Already I want to thank you for coms because it gave me back the fishing and before yesterday I was not going very well and suddenly I thought Kyhen leave but now it is much better so thank you very much : D
Well, today I post the Ousama No Brunch with Pi
MF; MF (it was two minutes video ^ ^)
I suggest you look at the largely empty o streaming because otherwise it's really bad quality ^ ^. In any case Pi is super nice!

Then here is the performance & Ryo Saito Kazuyoshi the SCP yesterday, they interpret Puzzle & Utauta no Ballad
Puzzle: MU; MP3
Utauta no Ballad: MU; MP3

Master Hits yesterday called Massu Koyama, I advise you to listen here because it's pretty funny with Tegoshi and Koyama was then:) and t (in English I will not translate because it's very easy to understand ^ ^) And finally here

the nikki Ryo ^ o ^ Nishikido Ryo

20/08/2010 7:25 p.m.

Hi! I'm Ryo. (I'm RYO)

What are you doing now? (What are you doing now?)

When Can I See You ... * (When can I see you)

I really want people to meet as soon as possible ♥

I have a session with Saitou Kazuyoshi

on 27/08 (Friday) The Shounen Club Premium

People, by all means, watch the show, please

Nishikido Ryo was

* He wrote in English

Thanks Ryo for nikki x)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Average Bmi For American Women

[NEWS / KAT-TUN] Myojo & Popolo 2010.10

~ Hey you alright? me yes. I had to post it yesterday, but Livejournal rowed home, so I could not, I'm sorry. But the important thing is that I post today, right? Haha. ; So these are the magazines this month. Finally, in October. Myojo for KAT-TUN, Myojo & Popolo for NEWS. Enjoy Them ~ ♥

I do not know if I'm allowed to post, so I prefer to lead you to the DDL links.

Download & Popolo Myojo.




Thursday, August 26, 2010

Minohd Ultrahd Difference

[NEWS] + IOM News Promo + NEWSmile + Yamapi no nikki

Hi ^ ^. Are you alright? Bof bof me, I ask lots of questions right now uu ' (I wonder if I'm not going to stop Kyhen ...>_\u0026lt;) . Short end, you have to fuck x). On August 28
Yamapi will be in a VTR for Osama No Brunch and August 30 & Koyama Tegoshi will be guests of Nep Leage (I do not know if it's a radio show or program)

Then here is still a promotion for IOM in China, Pi starts talking about ^ ^ 2:17

And finally the two NEWSmile & P ^ ^ Nikki

This time the theme is "Coming Soon! LIVE NEWS Tegoshi Yuya

Hello, I'm Tegoshi Yuya サッカー

The days still warm! グッド(上向き矢印)
But I'm happy because I love summer ♪

But everyone, pay attention to heat stroke and drink clean water! 手(チョキ)

Concerts approaching! ☆
I wait with impatience!

The meetings are finished. A little more and we'll begin the actual rehearsals!

We make preparations to do a lot of noise with you so expect it with impatience! 手(チョキ)

We will create a live that will drive all the bad and painful things!

I look forward to meet you ♪

let us love each other! ハート

25.08.10 7:35 p.m.

Yesterday, after a long time, I spent a relaxing day with Ryochan!

We even watched the DVD attached with the next album NEWS.

Watch all

makes even more interesting.

Personally I think the clip is not zero, so I hope everyone can also watch (^ 0 ^)

The video really shows us our true (laughs).

26.08.10 8:00 p.m.

Aujourd ' Today, after a long time, I met a school friend

for dinner! (^^)(^_^)

Now I go to the meeting place.

The music that is played well.

Good day!

Ps: Sorry if I not meet coms, I'm too lazy!

xgermanprincess @ LJ
A-chan @ FB

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Soccer Shoes Infant Size

[NEWS] Tv Fan + Unplugged Live Preview photo + Yamapi no nikki

~ Hii you alright? I'm really happy because the magazine I'll post has p ***** nice pictures! * O *
TV Fan: MF
Ah nan but seriously, they are too mignoooons!! ♥ ♥

Then here's a picture preview of Live Unplugged

Do they not kakkoi? : D. And I dream where Pi is the fuse? O

24.08.10 8:09 p.m.

This morning after I woke

I discovered that my dog well liked had come under my roof.

I was cured early in the day.

They are just too cute (laughs)

Pichan, was it YOU? Or ...
Himechan was you?
No matter who it was, as long as you are able to withstand Yamachan dear, you're the best! ^ _ \u0026lt;

there is not too cute?! I love these dogs, they too are just too cute!

A-chan @ FB